Wild Zones: How to Create and Enjoy Them is a toolkit created by Wild Zone co-founders Karen Payne and David Hawkins. It includes Background on Wild Zones, Menu of Possible Activities, Sample Guidelines and Rules, Checklist for planning Wild Zone events, examples of various ways to structure Wild Zones in different situations, guidance on the role of adults in free play, information on training Play Rangers, suggestions for community organizing, sample letters for requesting donations and recruiting volunteers, research, references and links to other resources.
This Toolkit is a work-in-progress. We would appreciate any feedback and suggestions on how it can be improved. We’d also like to hear about your own experiences with Wild Zones and Family Play Days. Please send your feedback, stories or photos to Karen Payne.
Download PDF of Wild Zones Toolkit (current version 1.01).
The Wild Zone at Ulistac
The Wild Zone at Ulistac is the site for the Play Ranger Trainings and Escuela Popular's 'Art in Nature' program. Beginning in 2009 we will have school field trips that include Wild Zones and environmental education, monthly Family Play Days, community volunteer days and a program of teambuilding events with corporations.
**** GREAT NEWS -- The first FAMILY PLAY DAY AT ULISTAC is here!!
Family Play Day at Ulistac Natural Area
Next Family Play Day: November 21, 1-4 pm
**Please note the poster has not been updated yet
4901 Lick Mill Blvd (just South of Tasman Drive)
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(In the link above, the Wild Zone is marked in red and the nearest entrance is in blue. There is a green footpath showing the shortest route to get there.)
There are no drinking fountains at Ulistac, so bring drinks - and snacks if you want them. Also, bring extra clothes and towels if you plan to play in the mud!
We have developed a curriculum for training adults and teenagers who will facilitate free play in the Wild Zone. They are called "Play Rangers". We have piloted the training with two classes of environmental education students from Santa Clara University. In Spring 2009 this training will be offered to Latino high school students from Escuela Popular and to members of the Children in Nature Collaborative of the San Francisco Bay Area.
YES Family Camps
We offered two pilot Wild Zones for the children (aged 2-16) at a family camp for Latino and African American families from high crime areas of Richmond, California. We established a portion of the YMCA camp as a Wild Zone in which the children and camp counselors were free to play in the woods and creek. This was a significant contrast with most of their time at the camp, which is strictly scheduled between prescribed activities. In this unstructured environment, children and youth were deeply absorbed in their play and projects for almost four hours. This pilot was in partnership with Youth Enrichment Strategies (YES), a non-profit that takes children from Richmond to youth Summer camps and their families to Fall and Spring family camps.
We have a new color brochure that describes and illustrates activities in Wild Zones. It will be used as a tool for outreach to schools, families, parks, environmental groups, community organizations, police and pediatricians.
Create-with-Nature Zone at Blake Gardens
In partnership with environmental artist Zach Pine, we have created an area where people are invited to express their creativity with natural materials at this beautiful garden surrounding the UC Berkeley Chancellor's home. The garden is open to the public on weekdays and people can create in this zone at any time.